Biomina is the Antwerp core facility for bioinformatics

BIOMINA (Biomedical informatics research network Antwerp) is since 2022 a core facility, providing a multi-disciplinary network facilitating research and applications at the intersection of life sciences, medicine and computational sciences in the Antwerp region.

We unite research groups from multiple institutes and departments with a complementary expertise and interest. Biomina also shares expertise through training opportunities and expert services towards academic partners, research institutes, hospitals and industry.  Learn more about BIOMINA.

We bring together data scientists, clinicians and (bio)medical researchers in the Antwerp region.


Biomina Research Day - 18/12/2023



May 17, 2024
BIOMINA Lunch Talk 5

Adugna Abera Hirpa - Applied Genetics stream, Microbial Cellular and Molecular Biology (Addis Ababa University):

Title TBA

Bethlehem Adnew - Armauer Hansen Research Institute

Practicing bioinformatics opportunities and challenges: Armauer Hansen Research Institute

Jun 21, 2024
BIOMINA Lunch Talk 6

dr. Sheeba Basil - ITM:

Title TBA

Jasper Van Haver - Laboratory of Cell Biology & Histology (UAntwerp):

Title TBA

What does BIOMINA offer?

BIOMINA provides three types of offerings. Find out more below:



We support bioinformatics community development through electronic (Slack, Teams, website, mailings) and physical (lunch talks, research days) initiatives and through representation in local, national (ELIXIR), and international (ISMB, ISCB) networks.

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We offer expert consultancy to address diverse bioinformatics questions, from grant application support to custom pipeline development, data analysis services, advanced training, and supporting novel (open) data management and dissemination requirements.

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(in development)
The BIOMINA portal will consist of a portfolio of software pipelines that perform frequently needed bioinformatics tasks. It will be implemented ready-to-run using available computing infrastructure such as CalcUA. 

Learn more


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